
What Is Cryptography? Cryptography Definition

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This makes it very important to pick keys of the right size; large enough to be secure, but small enough to be applied fairly quickly. Additionally, you need to consider who might be trying to read your files, how determined they are, how much time they have, and what their resources might be. The relationship between d and e ensures that encryption and decryption functions are inverses. That means that the decryption function is able to successfully recover the original message, and that it’s quite hard to recover the original message without the private key (z, d) (or prime factors x and y).

How Does Cryptography Work

Symmetric key cryptography is the category where the same key is used for both the encryption and decryption of information. Messaging applications like WhatsApp, Telegram, and Signal have now adopted an end-to-end encryption protocol, which guarantees that no one other than the sender and receiver can read the messages. This is a huge step up from SMS days, where security was always a toss-up. Thanks to cryptography, there are a plethora of communication platforms to make use of. Encryption is the process of scrambling the information, to avoid third parties from comprehending the message even if it is intercepted. This scrambling is done using specific mathematical calculations and steps, often collectively known as ciphers.

Key principles of cryptography

Samuel uses the internet to send an encrypted message to Yary. If Evy gains access to it and modifies the message before it reaches Yary. The message can be converted from cipher text to plain text using the decryption key. Also known as Secret Key Cryptography, private key encryption encrypts data using a single key that only the sender and receiver know. The secret key must be known by both the sender and the receiver, but should not be sent across the channel; however, if the hacker obtains the key, deciphering the message will be easier. When the sender and the receiver meet on the handset, the key should be addressed.

If you do that again with “TRRX” in the top alphabet you’ll get the letters “GEEK” from the bottom alphabet. Cybersecurity has continued to evolve into one of the most innovative technologies. The RSA algorithm has the drawback of being quite inefficient in cases in which large volumes of data must be authenticated by the same virtual machine.

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Along with the cipher, it uses an encryption key to encrypt the message. Here is an example of a shift substitution, cipher known as Caesar cipher. We have the English alphabet laid out with the second alphabet, lined up with all the letters shifted six spots to the right, then, when we get to the end, we start back over at the beginning again to complete the list as an example. If we have the plaintext word, asparagus, the corresponding ciphertext string would be g i v y g x g m a y, so A would be G, S would be I, P would be V, and so on.

  • It is mainly used for encrypting and decrypting electronic data through a secret key.
  • This rule came to be known as the key to decipher hidden codes or messages.
  • It can be very useful for keeping a local hard drive private, for instance; since the same user is generally encrypting and decrypting the protected data, sharing the secret key is not an issue.
  • There are many different types of encryption, all of which fall under the sphere of cryptography as the overall science behind them.
  • Although Alice’s private key can confirm that no one read or changed the document while it was in transit, it cannot confirm the sender.

That said, well-designed and secure cryptosystems have long encryption keys that would take billions of guesses to crack, making them virtually impervious to brute force attacks. A PKI contains the certificate storage facilities of a certificate server, but also provides certificate management facilities (the ability to issue, revoke, store, retrieve, and trust certificates). (A CA’s role is analogous to a country’s government’s Passport Office.) A CA creates certificates and digitally signs them using the CA’s private key. Because of its role in creating certificates, the CA is the central component of a PKI. The public key is used to encrypt the data pre-transit, and the private key is used to decrypt the data post-transit.


On many occasions, it is advised to use a combination of symmetric and asymmetric to achieve better speed and security. In the image below, you see the process of using both symmetric and asymmetric encryption to transfer information and secret keys privately. Now, on to an asymmetric encryption method, elliptic curve cryptography, remember that asymmetric is slower than symmetric, while elliptic curve was created to speed up asymmetric encryption.

How Does Cryptography Work

The importance of symmetric key cryptography in today’s internet sphere and its value in safeguarding our privacy and security is clear. With many bases to cover in the world of cybersecurity, cryptography is crucial, even though there are multiple more topics essential to excel in, as a cybersecurity expert. You can also use the private key for decryption and the public key for decryption, but the appropriate checkbox must be enabled for it to work flawlessly, as shown in the image below. The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is the official encryption standard of the U.S. government. Different encryption schemes use different algorithms and different block lengths and make use of different combinations of mathematical transforms. In fact, the development of computers and advances in cryptography went hand in hand.

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