
Wynn Resorts wins praise for global cage-free eggs commitment

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Wynn Resorts has won praise for committing to sourcing 100% cage-free eggs, particularly its Macau operations.

Wynn Resorts has won praise for its policy of sourcing 100% cage-free eggs across all its worldwide operations by the year 2026. This will include all of Wynn’s properties in Macau, China. Its US properties have all already transitioned successfully to its new commitment in supporting the improvement of animal welfare.

“Wynn’s US resorts sourced 100% of eggs from cage-free suppliers in 2023, and we committed to sourcing 100 percent cage-free eggs globally by 2026,” the company pledged, in its collaboration with international NGO Lever Foundation.

Lily Tse, Sustainability Program Director at Lever Foundation, has applauded Wynn’s decision, saying that announcement aligns with the current trend towards better animal welfare in the region’s gaming sector, with

other brands

in China and Southeast Asia also pledging to end the use of caged eggs in their supply chains.

“Cage-free egg production significantly improves animal welfare and ensures safer, higher-quality food for customers,” she added.

Cage-free egg production is defined in which hens are given the freedom to move in open indoor environments. This improves animal welfare and significantly lowers food safety risks compared to caged egg production, as observed by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).

Wynn Resorts is not the first to take the step, but their commitment in doing so has won them many accolades; an accomplishment aside from their

positive growth

of $144.2m net income in Q1 2024.

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